Music and the Gospel: “Don’t Be So Hard On Yourself,” Jess Glynne, 2nd Sunday of Lent

We cope with emotions, especially painful ones, in different ways. Difficult times can throw off our sense of self and purpose. Some people can’t get past the challenge, while others seem to embrace it, adjust, and move on. Painful experiences can actually be a time of growth; we get an idea of what we are capable of and how we handle things. This can actually deepen our sense of self and purpose. It also brings us closer to those around us and has the power to deepen our faith.

Key Lyrics: Don’t be so hard on yourself, no / Learn to forgive, learn to let go / Everyone trips, everyone falls / So don’t be so hard on yourself, no

Questions: What has surprised you lately? How has a painful experience changed your idea of who you are? What did you learn from it? How were you able to move on? How can you use your experience to help others going through something similar?

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