Part 2: You Rest Your Hand Upon Me

For this retreat, you will need a journal or a notebook and a writing utensil.  You may want to prepare some quiet music; there are times when you may choose to listen while you are reflecting.   It is important to be comfortable when “retreating.”   If you are most comfortable in a comfy chair or on the floor, you may want to print this retreat and find your best spot.

You will be reflecting on Psalm 139.

God, you hem me in, but please give me some room.
 You search out my path and are acquainted with all my ways.
Even before a word is on my tongue, O God, you know it completely.
Behind me and before, you hem me in and rest your hand upon me.

Psalm 139.3-5

Look at the photo:

What kind of things do you talk about with your friends?  With your classmates or acquaintances?  With the people you work with?  With your family?

How does what you talk about change depending on the people you are with?

Have you ever walked away from a group because you were uncomfortable with the direction the conversation was heading?

Take some time to think about how you relate to your friends and to the world around you.  Do you speak of your own thoughts or echo others’ opinions and ideas?  How does what you say reflect who you are?

Write some thoughts down in your journal.

If you choose, listen to a song while you are thinking and writing.

Close with the following prayer or compose your own using the model in italics below.

I call upon you, O God; come quickly to me;
Give ear to my voice when I call to you.
Let my prayer be counted as incense before you,
and the lifting up of my hands as an evening sacrifice.
Set a guard over my mouth, O God;
Keep watch over the door of my lips.

Psalm 141:1-3

God, be with me on my journey.
You know my thoughts and my words.
Please rest your hand upon me.

Address your God (Brother, Healer, Spirit, Counselor…)
Thank God for something (What do you need to thank God for
Blessings, lessons learned?)
Ask God for something (What do you need right now?)
Praise God for something (Creation, the new day, another chance)

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