For this retreat, you will need a journal or a notebook and a writing utensil. You may want to prepare some quiet music; there are times when you may choose to listen while you are reflecting. It is important to be comfortable when “retreating”. If you are most comfortable in a comfy chair or on the floor, you may want to print this retreat and find your best spot.
You will be reflecting on Psalm 139.
God, you have searched me and you know me, but do I know myself
Psalm 139.1-2
God, you have searched me and you know me.
You know when I sit and when I stand.
You understand my thoughts from afar.
Be still and be aware that you are in the presence of God.
Relax as you pray these words and recall that Jesus breathed the same air we breathe.
Breathing in, I calm my body.
Breathing out, I smile.
Breathing in, I dwell in the present moment.
Breathing out, I know it is a wonderful moment.
Look at the styles of dress in this photo:

Which style looks most like what you would wear?
When you shop for clothes, what do you choose? The cheapest? The most comfortable? What everyone else is wearing? What you look best in?
Do you know anyone who is obsessed with being “in”?
Do you know anyone who doesn’t care?
Where do you fit along that line? Why?
Think about your life.
How does what you choose to wear say who you are?
Have you ever wanted to choose another “way” but didn’t because of what others think?
Take some time to think about how you relate to your friends and to the world around you.?Are you strong enough to be your own person or do you depend on others for strength and identity?
Write some thoughts down in your journal.
If you choose, listen to a song while you are thinking and writing.
Close this part by praying a prayer of blessing.
You can compose your own prayer by doing the following:
Address your God (Brother, Healer, Spirit, Counselor…)
Thank God for something (What do you need to thank God for? Blessings, lessons learned?)
Ask God for something (What do you need right now?)
Praise God for something (Creation, the new day, another chance)
God, be with me on my journey.
You have searched me and you know me.
Help me to know myself.