Prayer of the Day

Teach your children what we have taught our children, that the earth is our mother. Whatever befalls the earth befalls the sons and daughters of the earth… and with all your strength, with all your mind, with all your heart, preserve it for you children and love it. Chief Seattle (1780-1866) of the Washington Suquamish […]

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Prayer of the Day

Eternal light, shine into my heart, Eternal goodness, deliver me from evil, Eternal power, be my support, Eternal wisdom, scatter the darkness of my ignorance, Eternal pity, have mercy upon me, that with my heart and mind and soul and strength I may seek your face and be brought by your infinite mercy to your

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Prayer of the Day

May the God of peace, make you holy through and through, and keep you sound in spirit, soul and body, free of any fault when our Lord Jesus Christ comes. He who calls you keeps faith; he will do it. 1 Thessalonians 5:23-24

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Prayer of the Day

A Jewish Blessing Bless our people with a wise and feeling heart. You have given us freedom to choose between good and evil, life and death. May we choose life and good, that our children may inherit from us the blessings of dignity and freedom, prosperity and peace.

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Prayer of the Day

O my God! O my God! Unite the hearts of Thy servants, and reveal to them Thy great purpose. May they follow Thy commandments and abide in Thy law. Help them, O God, in their endeavor, and grant them strength to serve Thee. O God! Leave them not to themselves but guide their steps by

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Prayer of the Day

God of love, Father of all, the darkness that covered the earth has given way to the bright dawn of your Word made flesh. Make us a people of this light. Make us faithful to your Word, that we may bring your life to the waiting world. Grant this through Christ our Lord. Amen.

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Prayer of the Day

Creator God, help us build a new world in the midst of the old. A world where all workers are valued. A world where those who clean houses are also able to buy houses to live in. A world where those who grow food can also afford to eat their fill. excerpt from “A Prayer

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Prayer of the Day

Lord, today you make us known to friends we did not know, and you have given us seats in homes which are not our own. You have brought us near, and made a brother of a stranger. Forgive us, Lord… we did not introduce you. Prayer from Polynesia

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