Sunday Readings: Malachi 3.1-4; Hebrews 2.14-18; Luke 2.22-40
When Mary and Joseph completed everything required by the law of God, they returned to Galilee, to their own town of Nazareth. The child grew and became strong, filled with wisdom; and the favor of God was upon him (Luke 2.39-40).
Luke surrounds the baby Jesus with three couples— Zachary and Elizabeth, Joseph and Mary, and Simeon and Anna. All three belong to the people of Israel. Just and pious, they believe in God’s promises to them as a people. Their faith gives each a role in pointing out Jesus as God’s long-promised messiah.
The elders Simeon and Anna have prophetic roles. He is awaiting death, she is 84. With literary skill, Luke makes these characters not only represent their people in the sweep of history, but he brings them very alive as individuals. It’s not hard to imagine Simeon and Anna as people we know. Anna makes the temple her whole life; she never leaves. Its public courts are her personal and prophetic space. A widowed, independent woman, she responds to Jesus with praise and prophesy. She proclaims publicly who he is to other believers.
Simeon makes God’s word his life; he will not leave this life without it coming true. He holds and blesses Mary and Joseph’s new baby like a grandpa. He sees both consolation and conflict in Jesus. He anticipates that this child is not the warrior messiah many expect.
In the persons of Simeon and Anna a believing community welcomes Jesus in a very personal way. They recognize his promise and entrust him to believing parents.
- What did people say about your potential as a child? How have you fulfilled the promise people saw in you?