Use a mutual invitation process. The first person to respond to a question invites another to speak. The second person can comment or pass and in turn invites a third person to respond. Continue until all have joined in. Consider agreeing as a group to allow all to make a first comment before anyone makes a second.
Engage the questions that interest the group. Questions aim at different age and interest groups. No one group needs to talk about them all.
Almost anyone. SUNDAY BY SUNDAY is ready to use. A leader simply helps move a group through an issue. Because SUNDAY BY SUNDAY is about living the gospel, everyone is an expert. Participants can take turns leading.
Keep up with Sunday By Sunday through Sister Joan’s blog at keepingfaithtoday.com
Yes! You can view a free sample online or request free samples in the mail.
You can purchase the Advent and Lent bonus issues in packs of 100 for parish-wide distribution. Call 800-232-5533.
Our friendly service representatives can answer any questions you have about your order, invoice, mailing schedule, ordering options, or prices. Call 800-232-5533.
You will be billed only for the issues you have actually used.
Just let us know if you need to adjust your order. If you need to increase your order, call us at 800-232-5533, and we will process your increase immediately. If you need to decrease your order, simply let us know as soon as your group number stabilizes. You will be billed only for your final number.
The first number above your name on the address label indicates the number of issues you ordered.
Your issues arrive via the US mail approximately three weeks before the date of the first issue of that shipment. They arrive in nests of 8 issues, one inside another.

Our friendly service representatives can answer any questions you have about your order. Call 800-232-5533.
Email lacy@goodgroundpress.com, call 800-232-5533, or check the license that was e-mailed to you when you received your username and password.
The SPIRIT Xtra – our component connecting current music and the Gospel – will still be part of the program. To keep things more current, the Xtra lessons will be published every MONTH rather than twice a year. This is also included in the program at no cost!
Yes! All 28 issues and their corresponding guides will be available by the end of July.
Any device that has internet access and can open a pdf can be used to read the SPIRIT Online issues.
Stay up-to-date on SPIRIT through the blog: spirit4teens.com
Yes! You can view a free sample online.
No. Your username and password will be good for the entire subscription year. Check back often for more added content!
You will be able to access the issues online, but we can also send you a disk of the entire program for off-line use. You may not make copies of the disk.
You will need a PDF reader, such as the Adobe reader, which you can download for free here.
You will be sent your username and password, along with your usage license and more specific login instructions, by email.
Spirit Online will be available by the end of July 2014. You can order at any time and you will receive your username and password within one business day.

Call us now at 800-232-5533 and we will rush an evaluation pack of each of the program’s components to you. You will pay for the pack only if you keep it!
Moving in the Spirit has everything you need for the immediate preparation for confirmation for senior high students. Giver of Life is the complete program for students who make their confirmation in junior high. If you have a 2-year program, consider using our weekly lectionary-based program for teens called SPIRIT in addition to one of these confirmation programs.
Most orders ship within 24-48 hours via US Mail. If you have a rush order, please call 800-232-5533.