Junior High Catholic Confirmation Program

Giver of Life Catholic Confirmation program has six four-page session handouts for candidates on the faith topics:

The six handouts provide stories, dilemmas, and activities for small-group interaction as well as readable, reflective input around which leaders can tailor presentations. Each handout both presents doctrinal concepts and draws young people into reflection on their own life experience in small-groups with other teens and adult group leaders.
$5.00 for all six sessions
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Session samples are not for duplication.

Giver of Life Leader Manual provides lesson plans for six candidate sessions. The leader manual describes a planning process for Catholic confirmation directors and coordinators to use in building their parish religious education programs around the Giver of Life candidate sessions.

$10.95 each
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Giver of Life Sponsor/Mentor Handbook summarizes the Giver of Life Catholic confirmation program, explains the role of sponsors and mentors, describes how to listen and talk with teens, and provides prayer and journaling opportunities for the adults who are walking with teens during the process of preparing for confirmation and becoming full, active members of the Christian community.

$3.00 per student
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Giver of Life Confirmation Journal provides teens with key questions for reflection and prayer as they make their individual faith journeys through the six-session process. The journal also suggests questions for teens to use in six faith-sharing conversations with their mentors or their sponsors.

$5.00 per student
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Popular Music on Gospel Themes

Each week our lectionary-based curriculum SPIRIT Online connects a piece of current music to the Sunday Gospel theme. This free resource is also available to users of Moving in the Spirit and Giver of Life. Just go to our SPIRIT 4 Teens Blog. New songs are posted every week, October through April.

Confirmation FAQ

Call us now at 800-232-5533 and we will rush an evaluation pack of each of the program’s components to you. You will pay for the pack only if you keep it!

Moving in the Spirit has everything you need for the immediate preparation for confirmation for senior high students. Giver of Life is the complete program for students who make their confirmation in junior high. If you have a 2-year program, consider using our weekly lectionary-based program for teens called SPIRIT in addition to one of these confirmation programs.

Most orders ship within 24-48 hours via US Mail. If you have a rush order, please call 800-232-5533.

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