Prayer of the Day

Prayer of the Day

The Blessing of the God of Miriam The blessing of the God of Miriam, Aaron and Moses, The blessing of Jesus born of the woman Mary, The blessing of the Holy Spirit who flies on before us,”Be with you all, now and forever.” Adapted by Jean Maryland, England

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Prayer of the Day

If I can stop one heart from breaking, I shall not live in vain; If I can ease one life the aching, or cool one pain, or help one lonely person into happiness again I shall not live in vain. Emily Dickinson

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Prayer of the Day

Today I pray for all who suffer. For AIDS orphans and old people. For working Americans who can’t both pay rent and buy food. For Iraqi families who have lost parents and children and for United States families who have lost parents and children.  My heart is especially touched by ________. Hold them in your

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Prayer of the Day

It is my nature that makes me love you often, For I am love itself. It is my longing that makes me love you intensely, For I yearn to be loved from the heart. It is my eternity that makes me love you long, For I have no end.   Mechthild of Magdeburg

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Prayer of the Day

I find you, Lord, in all things and in all my fellow creatures, pulsing with your life; as a tiny seed you sleep in what is small and in the vast you vastly yield yourself.   Rainer Maria Rilke

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Prayer of the Day

The Father laughs with the Son; the Son laughs with the Father. The Father likes the Son; the Son likes the Father. The Father delights in the Son; the Son delights in the Father. The Father loves the Son; the Son loves the Father. The laughter, liking, delighting, loving is the Holy Spirit. Meister Eckhart

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