Music and the Gospel: “Why,” Andra

This week SPIRIT focuses on relationships, and how they affect us and change us. Growing up involves developing relationships with significant others beyond the family. Sometimes these relationships are fun and carefree, sometimes complicated and difficult. Sometimes they last; sometimes they don’t. The high school years are the ideal time not only to make relationships

Music and the Gospel: “Why,” Andra Read More »

Gospel Reflection for October 3, 2021- 27th Sunday Ordinary Time

Sunday Readings: Genesis 2.18-24; Hebrews 2.9-11; Mark 10.2-12 Some Pharisees asked Jesus a question as a test. “Tell us, does the Law allow a husband to divorce his wife?” Jesus replied, “What law did Moses give you?” A Pharisee answered, “Moses gave permission for a husband to write a divorce notice and send his wife away.” Jesus said, “Moses wrote this

Gospel Reflection for October 3, 2021- 27th Sunday Ordinary Time Read More »

Gospel Reflection for September 26, 2021 – 26th Sunday Ordinary Time

Sunday Readings: Numbers 11.25-29; James 5.1-6; Mark 9.38-48 “Whoever is not against us is for us.” – Mark 9.40 This Sunday the disciple John raises a question about who can act in Jesus’ name. “Teacher, someone is casting out demons in your name.” John admits that he and the other disciples stopped the man. He was not one of their

Gospel Reflection for September 26, 2021 – 26th Sunday Ordinary Time Read More »

Gospel Reflection for September 19, 2021 – 25th Sunday Ordinary Time

Sunday Readings: Wisdom 2.12, 17-20, James 3.16—4.3, Mark 9.30-37 Jesus asked his disciples, “What were you arguing about on the way?” They were silent, for on the way they had argued with one another about who was the greatest. Jesus sat down, called the twelve around him, and said to them, “Whoever wants to be first must be last

Gospel Reflection for September 19, 2021 – 25th Sunday Ordinary Time Read More »

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