Prayer of the Day

I find you, Lord, in all things and in all my fellow creatures, pulsing with your life; as a tiny seed you sleep in what is small and in the vast you vastly yield yourself.   Rainer Maria Rilke

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Prayer of the Day

The Father laughs with the Son; the Son laughs with the Father. The Father likes the Son; the Son likes the Father. The Father delights in the Son; the Son delights in the Father. The Father loves the Son; the Son loves the Father. The laughter, liking, delighting, loving is the Holy Spirit. Meister Eckhart

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Prayer of the Day

As the rain hides the stars, as the autumn mist hides the hills, as the clouds veil the blue of the sky, so the dark happenings of my lot hide the shining of thy face from me. Yet, if I may hold thy hand in the darkness, it is enough, since I know, that though

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Prayer of the Day

If I say ‘Surely the darkness shall cover me and the light around me become night’ even the darkness is not dark to you. The night is as bright as the day, for darkness is as light to you. Psalm 139.11-12

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Prayer of the Day

Thanks be to you O God that I have risen this day To the rising of this life itself. May it be a day of blessing, O God of every gift, A day of new beginnings given. Help me to avoid every sin And the source of every sin to forsake And as the mist

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