For this retreat, you will need a journal or a notebook and a writing utensil. You may want to prepare some quiet music; there are times when you may choose to listen while you are reflecting. It is important to be comfortable when “retreating”. If you are most comfortable in a comfy chair or on the floor, you may want to print this retreat and find your best spot.
You will be reflecting on Psalm 139.
Where can I go from your spirit?
Psalm 139.7, 9-10
Or where can I flee from your presence?
If I take the wings of morning and settle at the farthest limits of the sea,
Even there your hand will guide me, and your right hand will hold me fast.
Look at the photo

Think about times that you felt God was with you.
Think about times that you felt that God was not with you.
Guess what? God is always with you!
Take some time to think about that.
Does the idea that God is always with you make you uncomfortable at all?
Why or why not?
Where or when do you feel God with you most?
Where or when do you need God most?
Close with the following prayer or compose your own as directed in italics below.
Merciful God, you are always with me.
You know all my thoughts and everything that I do.
Help me to take comfort in your constant presence,
even when I want to have my space.
Please let your right hand guide me.
Address your God (Brother, Healer, Spirit, Counselor…)
Thank God for something (What do you need to thank God for? Blessings, lessons learned?)
Ask God for something (What do you need right now?)
Praise God for something (Creation, the new day, another chance)