For this retreat, you will need a journal or a notebook and a writing utensil. You may want to prepare some quiet music; there are times when you may choose to listen while you are reflecting. It is important to be comfortable when “retreating”. If you are most comfortable in a comfy chair or on the floor, you may want to print this retreat and find your best spot.
You will be reflecting on Psalm 139.
Test me, God, but don’t make it too hard.
Psalm 139. 23-24
Search me, O God, and know my heart;
Test me and know my thoughts.
Lead me in the way everlasting.
Look at the photo.

Think about the person you want to become.
What are some of your goals?
What are your interests and gifts?
Write down at least ten things that you want to accomplish in your life: include career, college, sports, family, and relationships.
Write down what steps you will take to achieve your goals.
What are some of the obstacles you foresee?
Who are the people who will help you achieve your goals?
What place does God have in your goals and accomplishments?
Write your thoughts in your journal or notebook.
If you choose, listen to music while you are thinking and writing.
Close with the following prayer or compose your own as directed in italics below.
Living God, the source of life,
help me find my way.
I want to honor you with my work
and in how I treat the people I love.
I pray that you will give me guidance and courage.
God, be with me on my journey.
Test me and know my thoughts.
Help me pass the test.
Address your God (Brother, Healer, Spirit, Counselor…)
Thank God for something (What do you need to thank God for? Blessings, lessons learned?)
Ask God for something (What do you need right now?)
Praise God for something (Creation, the new day, another chance)