Part 3: Darkness is as Light to You

For this retreat, you will need a journal or a notebook and a writing utensil. You may want to prepare some quiet music; there are times when you may choose to listen while you are reflecting. It is important to be comfortable when “retreating.” If you are most comfortable in a comfy chair or on the floor, you may want to print this retreat and find your best spot.

You will be reflecting on Psalm 139.

The night is as bright as the day. When will I get some sleep?

If I say “Surely the darkness will cover me,
And the light around me become night,”
Even the darkness is not dark to you;
The night is as bright as the day,
For darkness is a light to you.

Psalm 139.11-12

Look at the photo.

When you hear the word “school”, what comes to your mind? Is school a good place for you?
How much time do you spend on your schoolwork? Extra curriculars? Sports?
Do you always let your parents know where you are or what you are doing?
Does it stress you out to talk to your parents about how you spend your time?
On a scale of 1-10, 10 being the highest, what is your stress level right now?
What can you do to avoid unnecessary stress? What can you do to relieve your stress?

Take some time to think about how you spend your time. Think about when stress creeps over you like darkness falling. Is there a way for you to “lighten up”?

Write your thoughts down in your journal.

If you choose, listen to a song while you are thinking and writing.

Close with the following prayer or compose your own as directed in italics below.

Thank you, God, for blessing me in all that I do.
Help me to be wise in how I use my time and talents.
In times of darkness and stress and in times of light and fun, I know you are with me.
Jesus, help me to remember that when I come to you, you will give me rest.

God, be with me on my journey.
Even the darkness is not dark to you.
Shine your light on my darkness.

Address your God (Brother, Healer, Spirit, Counselor…)
Thank God for something (What do you need to thank God for? Blessings, lessons learned?)
Ask God for something (What do you need right now?)
Praise God for something (Creation, the new day, another chance)

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