Sunday Readings: Joshua 24.2-3, 15-17, 18; Ephesians 5.21-32; John 6.60-69
“Many of his disciples were listening to Jesus’ teaching. They said, ‘This teaching is difficult. How can anyone take it seriously'”?
(John 6.60)
Jesus’ disciples face a choice. Will they stay with him or drift off with the crowds? The long reflection on Jesus as the bread of life becomes increasingly challenging to believe, especially the way John’s gospel pushes the literalness of the image. “Those who eat my flesh and drink my blood have eternal life.” This is part of last Sunday’s gospel. This is the difficult teaching. Their reaction invites us into the dizzying experience of realizing that like them, we have taken Jesus’ words too literally rather than sacramentally. In John’s gospel Jesus often makes statements that hearers misunderstand and that call us to reflect on his teaching. The bread and wine the priest consecrates at Mass signifies Jesus’ gift of his life and love on the cross.
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