Gospel Reflection for November 11, 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time

Jesus was teaching in the temple and spoke out against the scribes being showy in their faith, looking for status.

Jesus said, “I want you to observe that this poor widow gave more to the treasury than all the others.  They gave from their loose change what they could spare.  But she in her poverty gave the pennies she had to live on.”

Mark 12.43-44

The scribes in this Sunday’s gospel seem unable to penetrate the heart of the law.  They like to benefit from their positions as respected teachers, even at the expense of powerless people like widows.  Jesus warns people to beware of such self-centered, greedy teachers.

Jesus values authentic faith and piety.  He values the widow’s simple gift more than long, public prayers for show.  The widow is like Jesus himself, who gives his entire life for love of God and neighbor.

In what measure are you a Christian in appearance?  In what measure an authentic Christian?

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