Gospel Reflection for August 7, 2016, 19th Sunday Ordinary Time

Photo via Flickr user jd_09
Photo via Flickr user jd_09

Sunday Readings: Wisdom 18.6-9; Hebrews 11.1-2, 8-10; Luke 12.32-48

“If a householder could know just when the thief would break in, the householder would never leave the house to be broken into? You have to be ready the same way, for the Son of Man will come at an hour you don’t expect. Who is the faithful and wise servant the master can leave in charge of the household to keep everyone fed on schedule?” 

(Luke 12.39, 42)

Luke seems compelled to gather together sayings and parables to provide a spirituality for waiting for Jesus’ glorious return. Many early Christians expected Jesus’ second coming to be immanent. Its delay forced believers to question their faith. In Sunday’s gospel Luke speaks to a church whose leaders seem to teeter on the brink of despair. What commitments are worth ultimate trust? Jesus counsels us to keep our lamps burning. The kingdom may startle us, erupting as suddenly as a thief breaking in. This is a time to store up inexhaustible treasure in heaven.

What in the way you live each day indicates where your heart is?

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