Gospel Reflection for May 29, 2016, Blood and Body of Christ

Photo via Flickr user khrawlings
Photo via Flickr user khrawlings

Sunday Readings: Genesis 14.18-20; 1 Corinthians 11.23-26; Luke 9.11-17

“Why don’t you give them something to eat yourselves?”

(Luke 9.13)

When shared the food Jesus gives multiplies, just as love and forgiveness do. Jesus’ teaching nourishes. We hear and make his word our own in living it. We become what we eat in sharing the bread that becomes the body of Christ at Eucharist. The body and the self-giving love it signifies multiply. Both hearing Jesus’ teaching and sharing bread involve communion, an intimate sharing in which love and commitment multiply.

At the beginning of Sunday’s gospel Jesus urges his disciples to give the crowd something to eat. This is our call today – to hand on what we become in the Eucharist – nourishment in abundance for all.

How does celebrating Eucharist nourish you? How does Eucharist lead you to nourish others?

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