Gospel Reflection for May 1, 2016, 6th Sunday of Easter

Sunday Readings: Acts 15.1-2,22-29; Revelation 21.10-14; John 14.23-29

 “Those who love me will keep my word and my Father will love them. To them we will come and make our home.”

(John 14.23)

Sunday’s gospel tell us that when people live like Jesus, they discover Jesus and his Father within them. We learn and relearn Jesus’ message from living it. Jesus comes as a friend, an equal who does not exempt himself from the conditions of human life but lives them to the end, facing death on the cross at the hands of empire.

Where does Jesus live after his death and resurrection? Wherever his friends lay down their lives for one another as he did on the cross. Wherever they serve one another humbly as he did rather than lord or lady over other like earthly leaders. Where his friends love one another, they reveal God as Jesus does. They continue his work in the world.

When have you learned Jesus’ message from living it?

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