Music and the Gospel: “Keep On,” Sasha Sloan, 1st Sunday of Lent

In Sunday’s Gospel the Spirit leads Jesus into the desert where he fasts, prays, and chooses his path. The devil offers temptations to show off magical powers—turn stones to bread and test if angels catch him if he jumps off the temple. Jesus chooses the path of keeping the commandment to worship and follow God alone. Jesus choosing his identity and mission. He serves God. SPIRIT tells a familiar high school story—balancing others’ expectations and keeping true to our own expectations and happiness. Who do we want to be? What will becoming that person take? Sasha Sloan’s song “Keep On” is about struggling with these questions while still keeping on the path.

Lyrics: The walls are starting to cave in / Sometimes, I wish I was somebody else / When my mind starts misbehaving / Is when I tell myself / Okay, baby, you’ll be okay / You just gotta keep, gotta keep on

Questions: What pressures and expectations do you face on a daily basis? How does this challenge who you want to be? How do you handle these pressures? What does happiness mean to you?

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