Music and the Gospel: “God, Your Mama, and Me,” Florida Georgia Line, ft. The Backstreet Boys – 4th Sunday of Lent

God so loves the world that God’s Son becomes one of us. This is Sunday’s gospel message. Jesus’ mission reveals God’s love as he reaches out to all the people he encounters. It doesn’t matter who you are, what you’ve done, or what you’re going through. The song “God, Your Mama, and Me” reminds us all that God loves and cares for us, imperfections and all.

Key Lyrics: Never gonna run dry, never gonna come up empty / Now until the day I die, unconditionally / You know I’m always gonna be here for ya / No one’s ever gonna love you more than / God, your mama, and me / God, your mama, and me / Unconditionally / God, your mama, and me

Questions: What relationship does God have with the world? What does Jesus show us about God’s relationships with all creation? Who shows you love when you feel down? How do you show love to others? What makes relationships difficult?

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