Our Lady of Guadalupe

Tomorrow is the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe. Click here for her story. Share it with family and friends. The art and prayer on this page are by Sister Ansgar, CSJ. May you and our whole continent be blessed by the Protectoress of the Americas. Happy feast day!

You, Lady of dark visage,
Warm mother of the earth-in-sky,
Radiant as the sun,
Standing on the moon.
Scoop up your children of
Earth’s rich color who grapple
with the earthly chores
All for our comfort-and-joy.

Fold them into your mother’s embrace.
Hold them safe.
Teach us all to hold holy
Your Son-under-our-feet.

Poem by Gertrude Mueller Nelson

The O Antiphons begin on December 17th. In Praying the Advent Names of God, Sister Joan and Sister Ansgar invite you to join them for Advent prayer. Order your copy of Praying the Advent Names of God for only $10.00. Call 800-232-5533 or order online. We will ship your copy as soon as we get your order.

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