Current Music and the Gospel: “Be a Rebel,” New Order – 27th Sunday Ordinary Time

This week’s SPIRIT is about stereotypes, how they influence our behavior and how we treat those who are different from us. It is also about how our prejudices and choices can harm others.  Occasionally, someone (a friend, a parent) will insist that we don’t have a choice. But don’t we always have a choice? The song “Be a Rebel” is about following our own truths and morals, as well as opening our hearts to those around us and respecting what connects us as people.

Lyrics: Take a look at yourself / You may not be the same as everyone else / You’re just different, and that’s okay / We all follow our own way / And if you find that they won’t listen / Then they’ve got nothing to say / So don’t get mad and don’t feel sad / Be a rebel, not a devil / (Be a rebel, not a devil)

Questions: What decisions do you make on a daily basis?  When have you felt pressure to act in a way you didn’t want to?  How does stepping back and thinking about a choice and its consequences help?

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