Gospel Reflection for March 8, 2020, 2nd Sunday of Lent

Scripture Readings: Genesis 12.1-4; 2 Timothy1.8-10; Matthew 17.1-9

“This is my beloved Son, on whom my favor rests.” – Matthew 17.5

The 2nd Sunday of Lent focuses on the story of Jesus’ transfiguration and ours. In prayer on a mountaintop, Jesus’ glory shines through his humanity. The vision knocks Peter, James, and John off their feet in awe. The moment hints who Jesus is and anticipates what Easter will reveal about him. The transfiguration scene puts Jesus in conversation with two of Israel’s greatest prophets, Moses and Elijah, who both meet God on Mt. Horeb. Moses must wear a veil over his face shining with holy presence after receiving the ten commandments from God and seeing God from behind. Elijah takes on the King and prophets of Baal but must run for his life to Mt. Horeb, where he hears God speak not in thunder and lightning but in silence, within his conscious, listening self.

Peter, James, and John are following Jesus but still learning what he is about. Their mission is ahead. Jesus says not to tell anyone what they have experienced until after he has risen from the dead. We know the three gave their lives to preach the good news of Jesus’ new risen life.

We today like Peter, James, and John in the gospel stand with our lives in process, our futures ever before us. We have their mission of following Jesus as our call, too. We are to live the good news even in this election year, to love our neighbors as ourselves, plus our enemies. We don’t need to build a building as Peter suggests but to build a nonviolent community ready to participate in shaping our common good as a nation. In demonizing others we risk becoming haters ourselves. If we listen to Jesus, we discover we are God’s beloved as he is, called and blessed to love others as he did.

What vision do you have for your new Easter self?  

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