Gospel Reflection for September 9, 2018, 23rd Sunday Ordinary Time

Gospel Reflection for September 9, 2018, 23rd Sunday Ordinary Time

Sunday Readings: Isaiah 35.4-7, James 2.1-5, Mark 7.31-37

“Ephphatha, Be opened.” And immediately his ears were opened, his tongue was released, and he spoke plainly. Then Jesus order them to tell no one, but the more he ordered them, the more zealously they proclaimed it.”  – Mark 7.34-36

Jesus pays profound attention to the man who is deaf in Sunday’s gospel. Jesus uses his senses. He listens to the man’s friends with his ears and hears the man’s story. Jesus sees the mans with his eyes and takes him aside. Jesus puts his fingers in the man’s ears and touches them. From his own mouth Jesus spits and touches the deaf man’s tongue. From his mother he speaks words of healing, “Be opened.”

This miracle story not only shows Jesus healing the man with divine power but attending to his with human hands and using human gifts in healing the man. Our ears like his can listen to human needs. Our eyes like his can see people on the margins. Our minds can imagine ways to draw people fully into the human family. What Jesus does with human hands reveals the love we can give with our hands.

When have words failed you? When have others silenced you? Who have you listened into speech?

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