Gospel Reflection for November 12, 2017, 32nd Sunday Ordinary Time

Scripture Readings: Wisdom 6.12-16; 1 Thessalonians 4.13-18; Matthew 25.1-13

“The wise girls brought flasks of oil along with their lamps.” – Matthew 25.4

When Matthew writes more than 50 years after Jesus’ death and resurrection, Christians no longer expect Jesus’ immanent return. Instead, they are reflecting on how to live wisely and faithfully during the indeterminate delay before his second coming. No one knows when the bridegroom will come. We do recognize the wisdom of having oil in our lamps for the long night. In our faith journeys we need to explore what keeps oil in our lamps and lights the path of Christian living for us.

The oil may be time alone in solitude, retreats, mediation, spiritual reading, theological classes. The oil may involve interacting in groups, sharing faith and insights, transforming and affirming one another spiritual experiences. The oil may be Eucharist and the community of people who gather to remember what Jesus asked on the night before he died. All of us join in co-creating with /God what the world of which we are a part will become.  Christ is the omega point.

Omega is the final letter in the Greek alphabet. God comes to us not only from the past in creation and in Jesus Christ but from the future in the lure to become all love and compassion can create.

How does God come to you from the future, from your hopes and dreams? What action in your life has proved wisest and keeps your light burning?

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