Scripture Readings: Wisdom 11.22–12.2; 2 Thessalonians 1.11–2.2; Luke 19.1-10
“When he reached the sycamore tree, Jesus looked up and said, ‘Zacchaeus, hurry down, I must stay at your house today.'” – Luke 19.5
The tax collector Zacchaeus climbs a tree to see Jesus. He is a seeker. When Jesus notices him in the tree, he calls Zacchaeus by name, suggesting a prior meeting. Perhaps like everyone else Jesus knows the chief tax collector from having to deal with him and pay the taxes he exacts for the Romans. As a homeowner Zacchaeus should invite Jesus to his house but Jesus reverses the role and invites himself as a guest. He demonstrates his mission to reach out to all and enter into our lives. Jesus draws the marginalized tax collector into the mystery of unconditional love. In response Zacchaeus pledges half his possessions to the poor. At every Eucharist Jesus comes to our house.
With whom have you had an inspiring Zacchaeus moment that centered you in work for the common good, the well being of the whole rather than your own?
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