Gospel Reflection for July 10, 2016, 15th Sunday Ordinary Time

Sunday Readings: Deuteronomy 30.10-14; Colossians 1.15-20; Luke 10.25-37

“But a Samaritan who was journeying along came on the beaten man and was moved to pity at the sight. He dressed his wounds, pouring in oil and wine as a means to heal. He then hoisted him on his own beast and brought him to an inn, where he cared for him.”

(Luke 10.33-34)

A marginalized person is often caught in cultural conflicts at the boundaries of society and communities. The Samaritan in Sunday’s gospel has compassion for a stranger left on the side of the road. During Jesus’ time Samaritans were the marginalized people in Israel, a heretical group detested and despised by Jews and pagans alike. For Jesus to hold up a Samaritan as a truly compassionate and wise person was to send religious and cultural shock-waves through his listener’s ears. People must have thought, “How could anyone make a Samaritan the hero of the story, a person obviously so unworthy and unacceptable?

Another unsung hero in the gospel is the donkey. The Samaritan acts out his compassion with the help of his animal. Pope Francis calls out our kinship with the whole of creation and its creatures in his encyclical Laudato Si’ on the environment. Jesus’ parable doesn’t tell us how far away the inn was or how big the injured person was. We do know the Samaritan couldn’t call 911 on his cell phone. He puts the injured person on his own animal that usually carries him or his loads. Together they help the wounded man.

When have you felt marginalized by economics, gender, sexual orientation, race, or personal crisis?

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1 thought on “Gospel Reflection for July 10, 2016, 15th Sunday Ordinary Time”

  1. Marie Shaun Walter

    Joan, thank you for the insights into next Sunday’s scripture! Excellent again this week, as always. I send these on to a variety of folks. Debby Gray asked if I could get her name added to your mailing list(s). If yes, please add Debby Gray at Many thanks. SMS

    On Wed, Jul 6, 2016 at 12:39 PM, Keeping Faith Today wrote:

    > GoodGroundPress posted: “Sunday Readings: Deuteronomy 30.10-14; Colossians > 1.15-20; Luke 10.25-37 “But a Samaritan who was journeying along came on > the beaten man and was moved to pity at the sight. He dressed his wounds, > pouring in oil and wine as a means to heal. He then hoi” >

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