Music and the Gospel: “Never Forget You,” Zara Larsson, 5th Sunday of Easter

Losing someone we love can evoke powerful emotions. Some people break down immediately and may put themselves back together right away. For others emotions simmer inside until finally, sometimes months or years later, they explode. In this SPIRIT issue a young man finds grief motivating his climb to reach the top of a mountain. Grief takes time to discover the ways a person is still with us, time for memories to inspire us rather than cause pain.

Key Lyrics: I used to be so happy but without you here I feel so low / I watched you as you left but I can never seem to let you go / …It’s buried deep inside me but I feel there’s something you should know / I will never forget you

Questions: When have you experienced the loss of a loved one? How did you deal with your grief? Why doesn’t ignoring feelings work when we lose someone we care about?

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