Nico & Vinz share their struggle of feeling alone when they think outside the box and strive for something beyond their reach. They reassure themselves that persevering on this journey will make them grow. In the music video, we see that although they are physically alone at times, they are both on the same journey. Remembering that we are walking the same journey as Jesus, and as many other Catholics, can help us feel community with this larger group.
Key Lyrics: I ain’t tryna do what everybody else doing / Just cause everybody doing what they all do / If one think I know, I’ll fall but I’ll grow / I’m walking down this road of mine, this road that I call home
Questions: When do you feel outside the box at school, at your activities, among your friends, or within your own family? When do you experience wanting to reach for something but can’t do it alone? Create a poster that shows in words and pictures what you would like Jesus’ followers today to do for the world. Sign the poster. The next time you feel out of the box being a Christian, remember all the people who are on the journey alongside you.