Prayer of the Day

Prayer of the Day

Peace between neighbors,Peace between kindred,Peace between loversIn the love of the king of life.Peace between person and person,Peace between wife and husband,Peace between parents and children.The peace of Christ above all peace. Celtic Blessing

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Prayer of the Day

O God who brought me from the rest of last nightTo the new light of this dayBring me in the new light of this dayTo the guiding light of the eternal.Lead me O God on the journey of justiceGuide me O God on the pathways of peaceRenew me O God by the well springs of

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Prayer of the Day

Prayer of an Irish Grandfather   O Mother of Mercy, I place in the protection of your holy hands my going out, my coming in, my sleeping, my waking, the sight of my eyes, the touch of my hands, the speech from my lips, and the hearing of my ears, so that in everything I

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Prayer of the Day

All you who are thirsty, come to the waters; even though you have no money, come! You who have no money, come; receive grain and eat. Come without paying, without cost; drink wine and milk. Why spend money on what is not bread, your wages on what fails to satisfy? Listen carefully to me, and

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Prayer of the Day

Blessed are we who live in Holy Mystery,who trust the one who impels our being-all-we-can-be.May we be like trees planted near water,rooted in streams that never run dry,so that our leaves stay green in heatand bear fruit in drought. Jeremiah 17.7-8

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Prayer of the Day

Finish each day and be done with it. You have done what you could. Some blunders and absurdities no doubt crept in; forget them as soon as you can. Tomorrow is a new day. Ralph Waldo Emerson

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Prayer of the Day

Be strong, fear not! Our God is coming. Our God will save us. Then the blind will see and deaf people will hear. Then will the lame leap like deer and people who have never spoken will sing.

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