Lacy Sietsema

Music and the Gospel: “Something in the Water,” Carrie Underwood, Easter/2nd Sunday of Easter

Easter is where Christian faith begins. It celebrates Jesus’ resurrection. The Church often baptizes new believers at Easter time. SPIRIT is about a young woman who wakes up to what she believes at a baptism. For some people, believing is as natural as breathing; others journey through doubting and questioning. They may find people in […]

Music and the Gospel: “Something in the Water,” Carrie Underwood, Easter/2nd Sunday of Easter Read More »

Gospel Reflection for April 5, 2020, Palm/Passion Sunday

Scripture Readings: Matthew 21.1-11; Isaiah 50.4-7; Philippians 2.6-22; Matthew 26.14—27.66 or 27.11-54 “Jesus cried out with a loud voice, ‘Eli, Eli, lema sabachthani?’ that is, ‘My God, my God, why have you forsaken me?’”– Matthew 27.46 It’s Holy Week for Christians. Palm Sunday remembers how enthusiastically people welcomed Jesus to Jerusalem, where he begins to teach

Gospel Reflection for April 5, 2020, Palm/Passion Sunday Read More »

Poem of the Week

For fifteen years a pilgrim to a thatch of wood forgotten wild in the city to hear the snow  tumbling over a tree root into noise, a carnival of thaw to see the bloodroots unfold and know my roots will stir

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Poem of the Week

High Sierra Moment The Tohee meanders a meadow home in its grasses to purple perstemmen, blue lupin, orange puccoon, yellow-eyed daisies   mirrors at its wide bend gray granite mountains, tamed by distance but exacting rigor for every step higher every broader view   I watch the mountain water flow— so incredibly clear, lucid almost,

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Joseph of dreams, be with us

When Joseph didn’t know what to do about his pregnant fiancée, he slept on it. In his dreams, an angel eased his doubt and gave him courage to act. Pray to Joseph today to fill your heart with hope and with the willingness to see God at work where you never imagined. Joseph is patron

Joseph of dreams, be with us Read More »

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