Walk, run, or jog by yourself without earphones somewhere you consider beautiful; let your mind wander and your eyes see what’s around you. The regular movement of your body and the openness of your mind and eyes are very likely to invite a meeting between God’s hopes for you and your own.
Find a quiet spot where you can catch waves crashing on shore or a stream flowing or small animals playing. Don’t think. Let your mind rest, your eyes see, and you may find greater hopes for yourself within.
Doodle. Play on paper or in sand at the beach. You may be amazed at what you find yourself drawing.
Write a journal. Don’t think before you write. Put down whatever words come into your mind, even if they don’t make sense. Slowly you may find yourself reflecting on those places in yourself where you need to take heart.
Do physical activity such as vacuum, clean your family’s garage, mow the lawn, weed a garden, wash the car. Such simple physical activities often free our minds to wander among our thoughts and dreams and create new possibilities for ourselves.
Participate in action for justice. Recognize that what disturbs you may be something you can use your gifts to change. Find others who share your concerns. Take action. Write a letter. Propose change. Gather a petition. Meet with people who disagree with you. Do all you can to make our world just for all. Addresses for U.S. congressional representatives are online at usa.gov.
Adoration. Many parishes dedicate a chapel to adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, honoring Jesus’ real presence in the Eucharist. If adoration is perpetual, people take turns around the clock spending an hour in prayer and reflection before a consecrated host. Spend an hour in silent reflection. Some teen groups plan holy hours with prayer and music together.
Make a list of all the people you know who need help. Pray as Jesus did by asking God to help them. Include in the list those who have hurt you.