Sharing Life Experience

by J. Michael Byron

For John the Baptist, baptism is a turning toward God. The washing is an act of repentance and change of heart that marks a new starting point. Jesus discerns his mission in this setting among people seeking God and goodness.

Today families usually baptize children as new babies. It’s a family event with godparents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles that the baby won’t remember. At a weekend eucharist the whole parish community welcomes a new member, claps, and sings.

Birthdays. Baptism days. Both are important anniversaries for building up memories and meaning. Birthdays mark our welcome into life, breath, growth, and family. Baptism is our welcome into the new life we share with Jesus as his brothers and sisters and with the Christian community.

When is your birthday?
What is your baptism day?

Baptism begins with a powerful welcome. The priest or deacon greets and marks us with the sign of the cross, saying: “The Christian community welcomes you with great joy. In its name I claim you for Christ our Savior by the sign of his cross.” Parents, godparents, and others may sign us with the cross, also. Who marked you with the cross at your baptism?

As babies we are not yet the searchers we become. Parents speak for us — our name, why we have come. “What do you ask of God’s Church?” a priest or deacon asks. “Baptism,” they say and later in the rite promise to teach us about Jesus, his gospel, and the traditions of the Church.

Together priest, parents, family, parish community all profess faith in God as life-giving creator and in Jesus is God’s Son, our brother, and our savior. We declare our faith in God, in the life-giving Spirit, in Church, and in the hope of life forever with God.

What is the name of the community of faith, the parish church, where you were baptized?

Water washes, refreshes, and helps living things grow.  Water is the sign of baptism.  The priest or deacon either pours water over us or immerses us in water saying, “I baptize you in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.”

When Jesus was baptized, the Holy Spirit came upon him.  At Baptism the Holy Spirit comes upon us to help us become like Jesus for others — welcoming all, loving and forgiving one another, sharing, and making peace. It is a call to holiness.

  • When have you experienced the Holy Spirit urging you to act like Jesus?
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