Holy Thursday
Holy Thursday evening the Church remembers and celebrates Jesus’ last supper with his followers. He washed their feet to give them an example of service. He broke bread, blessed it, and gave it to his friends and poured a cup of wine, blessed it, and gave it to them, too, asking them to do the same to remember him.
Good Friday
Good Friday remembers Jesus’ passion and death. On this day that remembers Jesus’ giving of his life, Catholics gather and pray for the needs of the Church and the people of the world. We kiss the cross or show it reverence in this liturgy.
Easter Vigil
Easter Vigil is Holy Saturday evening. The parish community gathers in darkness to light the Easter candle, symbolizing Jesus’ resurrection. By the light of the Easter candle we stay awake and listen to stories of God’s goodness, beginning with the creation of the world and going all the way to God’s raising Jesus from the dead. We baptize new Christians on this night that celebrates Jesus’ passage from death to life.
Palm/Passion Sunday
Palm/Passion Sunday begins Holy Week. Eucharist on this Sunday begins with the blessing of palms, often outdoors, and a procession to remember and reenact the welcome people gave Jesus when he arrived in Jerusalem.
During Holy Week, the holiest week of the Church’s calendar, Christians gather to remember and reenact the last events in Jesus’ life.