Gospel Reflection for March 1, 2020, 1st Sunday of Lent

Scripture Readings: Genesis 2.7-9; 3.1-7; Romans 5.12-19; Matthew 4.1-11

Scripture says, “Not by bread alone do people live but by every word that comes from the mouth of God.” Scripture also says, “You shall not put the Holy One your God to the test.”Matthew 4.4, 7

The temptation gospel asks us to examine the God we worship. Perhaps our God inspires personal gain and success more than service. Perhaps we blame /god for letting bad things happen to good people. Or perhaps God seems too old-fashioned, pre-scientific, and irrelevant. Not Jesus, he refuses to put God to the test. He worships God alone, the first commandment, and lives by God’s word.

The temptation is a verbal duel. The devil wants to know why, if Jesus is the Son of God, he refuses to use his powers for his own gain. Jesus shuns divine stunts and opts for giving life through love and forgiveness. To tempt means not only to entice, lure, urge, persuade but also to test, to put to proof, to try. Lents calls us discern how we are using our gifts toward building up our families and the human family. Lent invites us to cease all that trivializes or demeans us, all that erodes our energies, and set our eyes on what awakens our spirit.

What is testing you in your life? Who do you trust and serve?

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