Gospel Reflection for December 23, 2018, 4th Sunday of Advent

Sunday Readings: Micah 5.1-4; Hebrews 10.5-10; Luke 1.39-45

“Blessed is she who trusts God’s words to her will be fulfilled.” – Luke 1.45

The Advent gospels lead us toward Christmas with thoughts of Jesus’ coming in glory and with John the Baptist’s urgent preaching to repent. Those of us who have not yet agreed to let God’s word transform us have a few days yet to share our extra coats and food, to challenge ourselves to consume less, and to let the rejoicing of all creation at Jesus’ birth inspire our care for Earth.

In Mary and Elizabeth the gospel focuses on two model believers who welcome God’s word into themselves, into their bodies. Their faith and trust in God’s Spirit is bearing fruit in their wombs. In their visit together these two women share their faith in what God is doing in them for the world.

Each woman has responded to God separately. As they meet, the Spirit arcs between them like sparks. At Mary’s greeting Elizabeth’s baby leaps in her womb. This happens in faith-sharing groups. Sharing insights and commitments magnifies and expands our faith as we experience the Spirit at work in each other.

Who supports and affirms the Spirit’s stirring in you? How do faith-sharing conversations affirm and deepen your faith?

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