Gospel Reflection for December 10, 2023 – 2nd Sunday of Advent

Sunday Readings: Isaiah 40.1-5, 9-11; 2 Peter 3.8-14; Mark 1.1-8

Here begins the gospel of Jesus Christ, the Son of God. In Isaiah the prophet, it is written, “I send my messenger before you to prepare your way: a herald’s voice in the desert, crying, ‘Make ready the way for God’s coming; clear God a straight path,’” Thus John the Baptizer appeared in the desert, proclaiming a baptism of repentance which led to the forgiveness of sins.

In this Sunday’s gospel the Church hears the first eight verses of Mark’s gospel, the first gospel written. Mark begins his story of Jesus without elaborate fanfare. The author says nothing about himself and announces in a single verse the main claim of the new narrative: Jesus is the promised Christ (the messiah) and his story is gospel, that is, good news.

Then Mark introduces John the Baptist and identifies the Baptist with the prophet Isaiah of the exile. Mark wants listeners to hear the Baptist as the herald of a new age of forgiveness and promise. God is faithfully present in Israel’s history, making a way where there is no way—in the exodus a path for slaves to freedom, in the exile a road home for captives. As we prepare for Christmas, the Baptist prepares the way for Jesus’ coming among us and a path of forgiveness and promise for us today.

  • What paths have opened for you in your life where you could see none?
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