Gospel Reflection for June 16, 2024 – 11th Sunday Ordinary Time

Sunday Readings: Ezekiel 17.22-24; 2 Corinthians 5.6-10; Mark 4.26-34

Jesus spoke to the crowd in parables. With what can we compare the reign of God, or what image will help to present it? It is like a mustard seed, which, when planted in the soil, is the smallest of all the seeds on earth; yet once it is sown, springs up to become the largest of shrubs with branches big enough for the birds of the sky to build nests in its shade.

The person who see a bush full of trees in a tiny seed is one who lives in the reign of God.  Faith sees potential in ourselves and our world.  We live in a dynamic world in which all that is has the capacity to become more, to self-organize into new wholes. This image of growth calls us to value our own potential for outgrowing present flaws and immaturities. Like the seed our spiritual growth flourishes with our willingness to trust the potential and future within our real selves. God is present in our lives in every here and now. God is the dynamic love energy out of which the cosmos evolves.

  • In what new emerging wholes or communities are you a part? What potential do you see?
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