Gospel Reflection for November 7, 2021 – 32nd Sunday Ordinary Time

Sunday Readings:  1 Kings 17.10-16; Hebrews 9.24-28; Matthew 12.38-44

Jesus observed people putting money into the collection box. Many rich people put in large amounts of money.  One poor widow came and dropped in two small copper coins, worth about a penny each. Jesus called his disciples. ‘I want you to observe that this poor widow gave more to the treasury than all the others. They gave from their loose change what they could spare. But she in her poverty gave pennies she had to live on.'” – Mark 12.38-44

In Mark 12 Jesus daily visits the temple courtyards and disputes controversial questions with other learned teachers. In Sunday’s gospel Jesus points out a widow who lives at the margins of her society yet models a generous faith. Others give more money. This woman supports the temple with its system of sacrifices and its hierarchy of priests with money she needs to live. With only a widow’s meager livelihood she acts as a full member of the religious community. He values the widow’s simple gift more than the scribes’ long, public prayers. The widow is like Jesus himself, who gives his entire life for love of God and neighbor.

What marks a wholehearted Christian in your experience?

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