Gospel Reflection for December 3, 2017, 1st Sunday of Advent

Photo via Flickr user Stephen Grebinksi

Sunday Readings: Isaiah 63.16-17,19; 64.2-7; 1 Corinthians 1.3-9; Mark 13.33-37

“Stay awake, for you do not know when the owner of the house will come.” – Matthew 13.35 

Advent begins a new Church year with a gospel about the end of all things. Instead of a date for the end, Jesus gives us a one-verse parable about an estate owner who goes on a journey, leaves servants in charge, and commands the doorkeeper to keep watch. The owner may return in the evening, at midnight, at cockcrow, or dawn–times when Jesus’ disciples fail to watch during his passion, which follows in chapters 14-15.

Our houses, apartments, offices, stores all have doors. Daily we cross thresholds; we enter and leave each others’ lives. Like the disciples we may sleep through or feel bored during an evening encounter. In dark midnight moments fear can urge us to avoid hard things that prevent us from considering others’ points of view. Peter has made cockcrow a familiar sound that wakes us up to our regrets. At the heart of our faith is the dawn moment, the hour of resurrection, of waking to God’s presence.

What doorways do you want to enter or exit this year? What is a threshold you have crossed to faith?

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