Gospel Reflection for July 9, 2017, 14th Sunday Ordinary Time

Scripture Readings: Zechariah 9.9-10; Romans 8.9,11-13; Matthew 11.25-30

“No one knows the Father except the Son.” – Matthew 11.27

For Israel, wisdom begins in awe at God’s gracious work in creation and envisions human harmony shaped out of wise, God-centered, Spirit-animated relationships among people. The book of Proverbs personifies wisdom as a woman who is with God from the beginning. Lady Wisdom is God’s delight. She delights in the human race and seeks to instruct us as her children. Creation is Wisdom’s house. She sets her table of bread and wine for the simple and the foolish, inviting us to the way of insight (Proverbs 9.1-5).

Sunday’s gospel draws on the intimate relationship between Creator and Wisdom to describe the relationship between Father and Son. No one knows the Father but the Son. Like Wisdom the Son seeks to reveal God and the goodness of creation to all. This is the way of insight.

Just as Wisdom invites the simple and those without sense to her table, Jesus invites the weary and burdened to come to him. As Wisdom’s messenger, Jesus welcomes the least to his table and his community. He brings among the people God’s dream of shalom for humankind.

How has creation helped you come to know God?

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