Music and the Gospel: “Gold Dust,” Banners, 3rd Sunday of Lent

Making mistakes is a part of growing up. Sometimes we forget that our actions can have consequences, that they can affect not only ourselves but also those around us. Not studying for a test may result in a low grade, staying up too late may lead to oversleeping in the morning, inattentive driving can lead to an accident. Negative consequences can be overwhelming and scary. They can also be reminders that we are not perfect and teach us how to be responsible for our actions. We all make mistakes. We also get second chances. Like the song this week says: “We can turn it into gold dust.”

Key Lyrics: All I know / When the nights grow cold / And it’s all gone to rust / We can turn it into gold dust /Far from home / With these aching bones / Are you just out of love? / We can turn it into gold dust

Questions: When have you needed a second chance? When have you been given a second chance? What did you learn from the experience? When have you given a second chance to someone else? How can you use what you’ve learned to help someone else?

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