Gospel Reflection for October 18, 2015, 29th Sunday Ordinary Time

Sunday Readings: Isaiah 53.10-11; Hebrews 3.14-16; Mark 10.35-45

“Can you drink the cup that I drink?”

(Mark 10.38)

“We can,” James and John respond to Jesus’ question in Sunday’s gospel.  The irony of their brash response is that they do the opposite.  They forsake Jesus when he gets arrested and flee with all of Jesus’ men disciples except Peter, who denies knowing Jesus in the high priest’s courtyard.  When following becomes life-threatening, neither James or John nor the others stay the course.  Their commitment evaporates.  They shrink from drinking the cup of suffering Jesus is about to drink.  The gospel writer Mark wants us to recognize Jesus’ first disciples had to grow into their commitment as we can.

At every eucharist we drink the cup that Jesus drank.  We brashly say amen, agreeing this is the lifeblood of Christ poured out for us.  It becomes part of us, a commitment to live into each day.

To what do you commit when at Mass you drink the cup that Jesus drank?

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