Sunday By Sunday excerpt for July 28: Prayer

SBSPostergreenAs we know from our experience, there are all kinds of prayers and reasons for praying. Sometimes we pray because we are in need of God’s help, as I did when I was concerned about my son’s safety. Sometimes we pray because we are grateful for a gift received or for a day in which we seem particularly blessed.

Sometimes, when filled with regret or remorse, we seek forgiveness because of the harm we have caused or the loving action we have failed to do. Sometimes we pray just because we want to worship and honor a loving, all-compassionate holy God. For whatever reason, Jesus encouraged his followers – and encourages us today – to persist, to not give up, to keep asking.

What family rituals or prayers do you have that express gratitude, that celebrate the good times and bad, our need to forgive each other as we seek forgiveness ourselves?

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