Gospel Reflection for November 25, 2012, Feast of Christ the King

Pilate, the Roman governor, summoned Jesus.

Pilate asked, “So, then, are you a king?”
Jesus said, “It is you who say I am a king.  The reason I was born, the reason why I came into the world, is to testify to the truth.  Anyone committed to the truth hears my voice.”

John 18.7

In his exchange with Pilate, Jesus asks the procurator to make a judgment.  Their dialog about whether Jesus is a king invites Pilate to see and understand who Jesus is.  The see, judge, act process is simple, but Pilate cannot step outside the values of the Roman Empire.
As Christians we can’t help but see Jesus in the least and can’t dodge the work of including the least in our care—in our families, our social circles, and global neighborhood.  We must testify with our lives to the truth of Jesus’ way.  We must turn to one another to help rather than take advantage.

What truths do you hold self-evident?

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