Your God is near.

NARRATOR: Jesus was teaching his disciples in the courtyard of the temple.

JESUS 1: Before the great day there will be signs in the sun, the moon, and the stars.

JESUS 2: On the earth nations will suffer, frightened by the roar of the sea and the height of the waves.

JESUS 3: People will die of fright when they anticipate what is coming upon the earth. The planets will be shaken.

JESUS 4: Then people will see the Son of Man coming on a cloud in great power and glory.

ALL: When these things happen, stand up straight and raise your head, for God who will save you is near at hand.

JESUS 1: Be on guard.

JESUS 2: Think of more than eating, drinking, and becoming successful, or the great day will catch you by surprise like a trap.

JESUS 3: This great day will come upon all who dwell on the face of the earth, so watch.

JESUS 4: Pray for strength to escape and stand safely before the Son of Man.

Luke 21.25-28, 34-36

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