NARRATOR: Jesus told this parable to his disciples.
JESUS 1: The reign of God can be likened to ten young girls who took their lamps and went out to welcome a bridegroom. Five of them were foolish and five were wise.
JESUS 2: The foolish girls took their lamps but brought no extra oil along. The wise girls brought flasks of oil along with their lamps.
JESUS 1: The bridegroom delayed his coming. The young women all began to nod and then fell asleep. At midnight someone shouted:
GUEST: The groom is here! Come out and greet him!
JESUS 2: At the shout, all the young women woke and got their torches ready.
FOOLISH GIRLS: Give us some of your oil. Our lamps are going out.
WISE GIRLS: No, there may not be enough for you and for us. You had better go to the dealers and buy yourselves some.
JESUS 1: While the five foolish girls went off to buy more oil, the bridegroom arrived, and the girls who were ready went into the wedding with him. Then the door was barred. Later the foolish girls came back.
FOOLISH GIRL: Open the door for us.
GROOM: I don’t know who you are.
JESUS 2: The moral is: Keep your eyes open, for you know not the day nor the hour.
Matthew 25.1-13
Examen of Consciousness
Ignatius believed that God speaks to us through our deepest feelings and desires. He called these feelings consolation and desolation. Experiences of consolation are those that connect us to God, others and ourselves. Experiences of desolation are those that disconnect us. Looking at daily events helps us see where God is present and working in our lives.
The Examen can be practiced in many ways. Here is one:
At the end of the day, take a few deep breaths and center yourself. Take some time to think back on your day and ask yourself these questions:
What are you most grateful for today?
- Relive that event and receive life again from that moment.
- Give thanks for God’s presence in your day.
What are you least grateful for?
Experience again that event or moment without trying to change it or fix it in any way. Acknowledge sad or painful feelings and hear how God is speaking to you through them.
- Invite God to be more a part of this area of your life.
- Give thanks for whatever you have experienced.
You may want to substitute other questions in place of the most/least grateful:
- When did I give and receive the most love? Least love?
- When did I have the greatest sense of belonging? Least sense of belonging?
- When was I most free? Least free?
- When was I most creative? Least creative?
- When did I feel fully myself? Least fully myself?
- When did I have a special encounter with a friend? Family member?
- When did I experience forgiveness, compassion, justice, courage, joy, gratitude?
- How have I felt God present for me? Felt God absent?