Pray Sunday’s second reading from 1 John 3.1-3.
LEADER: What love God has bestowed on us in calling us children of God!
ALL: We are God’s children now; what we shall become has not yet come to light.
LEADER: Let us call to mind persons we wish to thank for their example of holiness and pray for them. Pause for silent reflection.
LEADER: We give thanks for those whose commitments to the common good inspire us. Let us resolve to thank someone who shows us the beatitude way this week.
ALL: We give thanks for saints everywhere who live in the spirit of compassion, courage, and love.
LEADER: Loving God, you are sacred presence in our lives.
ALL: You are beyond all we imagine and closer to us than we are to ourselves.
LEADER: We belong to the communion of saints.
SING: “When the Saints Go Marching in,” and exchange a sign of peace.