The Spirit affects our power dynamics.

We today who proclaim the resurrection of Christ may feel powerless and insignificant in a world full of powerful forces pushing and pulling us here and there, to and fro — to war, to the accumulation of wealth, and political power. We may feel that our voices are insignificant, that nobody is listening to us.

However, Christ breathed on each one of us in our baptism. Each time we receive Holy Communion, we renew our acceptance of the responsibility that Christ empowers us to do. “As the Father has sent me, so I send you.”

The risen Christ sends us out into the world, empowers us with the Holy Spirit, and calls us to use our power according to his way and not the world’s. We must take this power we receive very seriously because if we forgive the sins of any, they are forgiven them, and if we retain the sins of any, they are retained. How then shall we use this power?

The Pentecost event points the way. We are to listen and let go of control when we are powerful. We are to speak and act when we are powerless. Equally important is our challenge to intervene against injustice: we are to find ways for the Holy Spirit to empower those who are oppressed and powerless to speak the truth and to challenge those who are powerful to be silent and listen.

  • How can you move the people in your work, your family, or your ministry toward Pentecost?
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