Most of us have spoken words we wish we hadn’t. The experience can teach us a costly lesson: words have power. They do not just contain meaning; they create meaning.
When teachers manipulate students by shaming those who do not have the right answers, they can destroy their students’ imaginations. Children whose parents repeatedly tell them how stupid they are can come to believe it.
Gossip without any basis in fact can destroy the reputation of a public figure. Once hateful words find a home in people’s minds, they are difficult to drive out. Once spoken, words live on.
We know the healing power of words, for example, how “I love you” can change the course of a life. We know how “I forgive you” or “I’m sorry” can change the atmosphere. We know the power of encouraging words like the four sentences Armand Gamache, the Québécois detective in the Louise Penny mysteries, teaches his recruits.
I’m sorry.
I don’t know.
I need help.
I was wrong.
John’s gospel tells of a Word from beyond our world and our experience that became flesh, a Word death could not silence. The Word continues among us in Jesus’ story and in words spoken in his name, words ready to awaken and sustain faith. If all Jesus promises is true, everything depends upon knowing the Word — and speaking it.
- What is an unforgettable word someone has spoken in your life?